

45¢ per page (clean copy)
55¢ per page (dirty copy)

2-DAY TURNAROUND (48 hours)

65¢ per page (clean copy)
75¢ per page (dirty copy)

1-DAY TURNAROUND (24 hours)

85¢ per page (clean copy)
95¢ per page (dirty copy)

URGENT TURNAROUND (Less than 12 hours)

$1.15 per page (clean copy)
$1.25 per page (dirty copy)


1. Turnaround time does NOT include weekends and holidays unless urgent.
2. Rates are based on a standard 24 and 25-line page format.
3. For 28-line pages, please add $0.05 per page. For 32-line pages, please add $0.10 per page.
4. For medical/technical expert testimony, hearings, trials, etc., please add $0.10 per page.

Note: Guaranteed turnaround times apply to transcripts 200 pages or less. Each additional 100 pages is an extra 24 hours or 10c, whichever meets your demand. (24 hours for pages 201-300 or 10c per page; 48 hours for pages 301-400 or 20c per page; and so on.)


Clean vs. Dirty

Many people question the difference between our "clean" and "dirty" rates, so the following information is to help elaborate and hopefully clear up what we mean by "clean" and "dirty" transcripts.

Many court reporters scope their own work or have scopists who are very good and very thorough. Many of these are scanned (or read) through by the scopists. There aren't many corrections needed, but they still want a "final set of eyes" to proofread it. These transcripts are what we consider "clean" copies.

Then there are some scopists that aren't very thorough. The transcripts come in with many corrections needed on almost every single page. There are times when words are switched around, there is still coded language in it, or the words are nonsensical. The scopists haven't scanned or read the transcripts to make sure they even make sense. These transcripts are what we consider "dirty" copies. We have found these are commonly submitted by court reporters who have a high volume of work and less time to scope the work themselves, such as court reporters working for an actual courthouse. It is less common in freelance court reporters or court reporters who are working for small court reporting firms.

We chose the words "clean" and "dirty" because it is common language used for transcripts needing proofreading. We realize there may be other, more detailed descriptions for the transcripts, but this is what we chose to use...and it fits well on our "Rates" page.

I hope this clears up any questions you may have regarding our rates. If you are not sure what type of transcript you have, we would be more than happy to do your first transcript at the "clean" rate to help determine the type of transcript you are submitting.

Please note, we do NOT do scoping. However, if you have the name of a good scopist, we would be more than happy to have their information to keep on file, as we have had multiple reporters ask for the name of a good scopist.

Again, please feel free to email us with any questions or comments.


Dana Schroeder